Building a Better Vocabulary

(nextflipdebug5) #1


ż Curse and damn both suggest angry denunciation by
blasphemous oaths. Curse sometimes comes across as a bit
more literary than damn.

ż Use anathematize to describe a more formal, solemn, impassioned
denunciation or condemnation, such as a denunciation by a
priest from the pulpit. Anathematize is the verb form of the noun
anathema, meaning, “something that is hated.”

z ExecrateFRPHVIURPWKH/DWLQSUH¿[ex-, meaning “out of, from,
away,” and the Latin word sacro, meaning “to devote to, to mark
as sacred.” Thus, execrate is literally “to take the sacred away,” or
to curse.

  1. This word describes a person who has a small wine cellar and enjoys
    traveling to local vineyards.

  2. The comedian Woody Allen is credited with saying, “I’m not anti-social.
    I’m just not social.” He might be described as a __.

  3. A dedicated __, Sandy had been collecting stamps since she
    was a child.

  4. Holding the phobia support group in the vast auditorium—capable of
    seating 500 people—on the 50thÀRRURIDVN\VFUDSHUGLVFRXUDJHGWKH
    attendance of those suffering from __, __, and

  5. The citizens came to __ the mayor after his underhanded
    dealings were made public.

  6. Teenagers are known for __ in movie theaters and parked cars.

  7. After the terrorist attacks of 9/11, __ became more pronounced
    around the country.

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