Building a Better Vocabulary

(nextflipdebug5) #1
compound of bromine and another metal. Of course, sedatives
of bromide: trite sayings that have become so overused they deaden
our senses.

Patrician (noun/adjective)



  2. An aristocrat; a person of high rank or social class.
    adjective: People or things that have the characteristics of the upper class.

z The use of patrician as a noun is shown in the following sentence:
“The city’s patricians used to have most of the money and power,
but the growth of the middle class has all but ended that era in
history.” Patrician as an adjective appears in this sentence: “Her
patrician tastes in music and dining were apparent from her
frequent trips to the opera, the symphony orchestra, and only the

z The patricians were members of the original aristocratic families of
ancient Rome. In contrast to the patrician class was the plebeian or
working class. Today, plebeian is used as an antonym for patrician
to refer to something that is common, lower class, or vulgar.

Nonpareil (adjective)

Without peer; having no equal.

z Nonpareil comes from the 15th-century French words non (meaning
“not”) and pareil (meaning “equal”). Combining these two yields
“not equal,” meaning someone or something that is without equal.
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