Building a Better Vocabulary

(nextflipdebug5) #1
disdainful, condescending, swaggering, lofty, lordly, high and
mighty, highfalutin, sniffy, snooty, and snotty.

Bumptious (adjective)

Pushy; offensively or loudly self-assertive; cocky.

z Bumptious describes a different type of arrogance than supercilious.
With bumptious, the focus isn’t on scornful disdain but on the loud
and pushy aspects of arrogance. Think of the whippersnapper who
colleague at work who dominates every conversation. Bumptious

z 7KH $PHULFDQ +HULWDJH 'LFWLRQDU\ relates that bumptious is
probably a combination of bump and pretentious. To remember
bumptious, think of an unruly, troublesome person who is so
arrogant and pushy that he or she bumps you out of the way to cut
in line.

Hubris (noun)


z The Greek hero Odysseus
was guilty of hubris when he
revealed his true name to the
Cyclops Polyphemus after he
had tricked and blinded the
giant. For his hubris, Odysseus
was punished by Poseidon,
father of Polyphemus and
god of the sea, who delayed
the hero’s return home for
10 years.

,Q-RKQ0LOWRQ¶VParadise Lost, it

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