Building a Better Vocabulary

(nextflipdebug5) #1
z Unctuous comes from the Latin unctus, meaning “anointed with
oil.” This etymology is a perfect reminder for the oily, slick, and
smooth-talking behavior of unctuous people. You might link
unctuous with a description of an unctuous character written by
Alan J. Lerner for the musical My Fair Lady: “oozing charm from

z A wonderful synonym for unctuous that’s a little shorter and more
down to earth is smarmy, as in “The smarmy aide thought that
his constant blandishments would butter up the congressman and
eventually lead to an appointment.”


  2. Although Farhad praised his supervisor, Amy, for her generosity and
    ability to recognize talent, she refused to be taken in by his __
    and didn’t give him a raise.

    __ salesman.

  4. Despite the efforts of an image consultant and an expert in public
    speaking, the politician was unable to suppress his tendency to

  5. The __ behavior of some millennials has earned the generation
    as a whole a reputation for arrogance.


  7. Parents must learn to ignore the twin tactics of whining and __
    from their children.

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