
(Brent) #1
and morphological varieties that differ from central populations (Lesica and
Allendorf 1995).

Many species of wildlife have been eliminated from their traditional range, for one
reason or another. This can even happen to common species, like the plains bison
(Bison bison). Europeans arriving in North America encountered millions of bison on
the Great Plains. In remarkably short order, this massive population was nearly extir-
pated, through a combination of commercial hunting by Europeans and subsistence
hunting by aboriginal groups, competition with livestock, and fencing off of migra-
tion routes (Isenberg 2000). Since the turn of the century, the plains bison has been
re-established by wildlife authorities to parts of its former range, though in nothing
like its former abundance. Such reintroductions are becoming ever more common.
In other cases, species have naturally recovered from catastrophic decline, expand-
ing into their former range. A well-documented example is the California sea otter
Enhydra lutris (Lubina and Levin 1988). This species was nearly exterminated
throughout its Pacific coast range through overharvesting by fur traders in the late
nineteenth century, before a moratorium on harvesting was signed in 1911. A small
relict population of otters survived in an inaccessible part of the California coast south
of Monterey Bay. This small population provided the nucleus for gradual spread of
the population both northwards and southwards along the coast.
Whether intentional or accidental, such reintroductions have some fascinating char-
acteristics that have important bearing on their successful conservation. Key among
these is the interplay between demography and patterns of movement.

Although there are many elegant ways to model patterns of movement by invasive or
reintroduced species (Turchin 1998), simple random walk models can often predict
the pattern of spread surprisingly well. We first consider what is meant by a random
walk, then use this algorithm to develop a simple model of population distribution.
What pattern would emerge over time, for a single individual that moves randomly
every day of its life? We will assume that this hypothetical animal can only move
forwards, backwards, or sideways, one step at a time. We further assume that each
of these events is as probable as remaining where it is. To model this, we need to
sample randomly from a uniform probability distribution (see Box 7.1).


7.6 Species reintroductions or invasions

spread of
reintroduced species

We first need to randomly sample a large number of values uniformly distributed between 0 and 1,
assigning each random number on this interval to either the variable por the variable q. We then use
these probabilities to mimic forwards versus backwards movement using the variable xand side-
to-side movements using the variable y, using the logic shown below. As a result of this logic, an
animal would move left one-third of the time, right one-third of the time, and stay on track one-third
of the time. Similar probabilities correspond to forwards, backwards, and stationary outcomes.



t q


+= t

1 +>∧<

1 0 333
1 0 333 0 667




xP P


tt t


1 +>∧<

1 0 333
1 0 333 0 667




Box 7.1Modeling a
random walk in space.

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