
(Brent) #1
to survive, but rather anticipate that by chance sometimes a larger fraction will
survive, sometimes a smaller fraction. We consider this process in more exact math-
ematical detail in Chapter 17, when we discuss population viability analysis. In wildlife
management we need to disentangle demographic from environmental sources of
stochasticity (Sæther et al. 2000; Bjørnstad and Grenfell 2001).
We should include in our population models the variability in growth rates due
to environmental and demographic stochasticity. We do this by simulating natural
stochastic variation and adding this variation to the exponential growth rate rtpre-
dicted by population density. We first need to calculate the residual variation in growth
from the data in Fig. 8.15:

where 0.518 is the intercept (rmax) of the regression line drawn through the observed
values of rtversus Nt, and −0.00004404 is the slope. We calculate the deviation between
each observation of rand the value predicted by the regression line at that popula-
tion density, square each deviation to standardize positive versus negative values, sum
the squared deviations, and divide by the sample size (16 in this case) to estimate
the mean-squared deviation. This is the residual variability, denoted by σ^2. For the
Northern Yellowstone elk, σ^2 =0.0361.
Once equipped with an estimate of the residual variation based on the observed
data, we draw values of the random variable εfrom a bell-shaped (i.e. normal) prob-
ability distribution with the same magnitude of residual variation σt. In MATHCAD, this
normal probability distribution is the function called rnorm, which also requires
the user to input the required number of random values, and mean and standard
deviation of the normal distribution from which these values will be drawn. For the
elk example:

ε=rnorm(51, μ, σ)


[ (.. )]





0 518 0 00004404





124 Chapter 8




  • 0.5

0 5 10 15 20
Elk abundance (thousands)


Fig. 8.15Exponential
growth rates for
Northern Yellowstone
elk between 1968 and
1989 in relation to
population density at
the beginning of each
yearly interval. (Data
from Coughenour and
Singer 1996.)

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