
(Brent) #1
The decline in finch population caused by the disease was proportional to the initial
density of finches, with the result that 3 years after the start of the epizootic most
finch populations had stabilized at similar densities (Fig. 11.4). Thus, the mor-
tality was density dependent and the disease has regulated the finch population
(Hochachka and Dhondt 2000).
We have already mentioned the emerging epizootic, the rabbit hemorrhagic dis-
ease, which was released in Australia in 1996 and has caused major declines in European
rabbit numbers (Mutze et al. 1997). Subsequently, the disease appears to be keeping
rabbit numbers at very low levels. Bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) populations
regularly experience pneumonia outbreaks caused by the bacterium Pasteurella
(Miller 2001). This has caused declines of bighorn sheep throughout western
North America. It can regulate bighorn sheep numbers, particularly in the Idaho area
of the USA, keeping populations well below those determined by food resources. The
source of the disease is domestic sheep, which are less susceptible to mortality
from the pathogen than are the bighorns (Monello et al. 2001). More anecdotally,
the rinderpest virus was probably regulating the African buffalo and wildebeest
populations of Serengeti, Tanzania before its removal through vaccination of cattle
in 1963 (Sinclair 1977).
The role of endemic pathogens, particularly macroparasites, in regulating hosts
is not clear. The nematode Heligmosomoides polygyrusregulated laboratory mouse
populations (Scott 1987; Scott and Lewis 1987; Scott and Dobson 1989). We have
yet to find examples from the field. However, recent studies suggest that macropara-
sites may, at least, be causing population cycles. For example, red grouse popula-
tions in Britain exhibit 7-year cycles and it appears that these could be produced by
the nematode Trichostrongylus tenuis (Hudson and Dobson 1988). Winter mortality
was the major factor determining changes in grouse numbers, although breeding losses
were also important. Both winter loss and breeding loss were correlated with the
intensity of parasite infection. Cycles could be resulting from time delays in the
recruitment of parasites so that they are partly out of phase with host numbers
(Dobson and Hudson 1992; Hudson et al. 1992). This idea was tested experimen-
tally by reducing parasite burdens with anthelmintic drugs. Treatment of the grouse
population prevented the normal decline in numbers, demonstrating that parasites
were the cause of the decline phase of the cycle (Hudson et al. 1998).



  • 0.2

  • 0.4

  • 0.6

  • 0.8

  • 1.0
    2.7 4.05 6.2

Rate of change

Fig. 11.4The rate of
change of a house finch
population due to
mortality by the
pathogen Mycoplasma
gallisepticumis density
dependent. (Data from
Hochachka and Dhondt

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