
(Brent) #1
282 Chapter 16

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Ti

Red kangaroos 45 19 18
17 51 44
28 11 35
26 72 65
48 34 76
53 67 52
___^62 ___^27 ___^30
Tij= 287 289 381 957
x ̄= 35.9 36.1 47.6
Gray kangaroos 66 27 27
52 47 66
34 13 75
8 16 104
35 101 109
36 150 170
42 116 51
___^65 ___^66 ___^14
Tij= 338 536 616 1490
x ̄= 42.5 67.0 77.0
Tj= 625 825 997 T= 2447

r=number of rows = 2
c=number of columns = 4
n=number of replicates per cell = 8
(1/nc)∑Ti^2 =(1/24)(957^2 + 14902 ) =130,665
(1/nr)∑Tj^2 =(1/16)(625^2 + 8252 + 9972 ) =129,079
(1/n)∑Tij^2 =(1/8)(287^2 + 2892 +...+ 6162 ) =136,506
(1/nrc)T^2 = (1/48)(5,957,809) =124,746
∑X^2 ijk = 452 + 172 +...+ 142 =184,081

Sum of squares

ROW(SPECIES) 130,665 −124,746 = 5,919
COLUMN(DAYS) 129,079 −124,746 = 4,333
ROW×COLUMN 136,506 −130,665 −129,079 +124,746 = 1,508
Residual 184,081 −136,506 =47,575
Total 184,081 −124,746 =59,335


Source SS d.f. MS F

ROW(SPECIES) 5,919 r− 1 = 1 5919 5.22
COLUMN(DAYS) 4,333 c− 1 = 2 2166 1.91
SPECIES×DAYS 1,508 (r−1)(c−1) = 2 754 0.67
Residual 47,575 rc(n−1) = 42 1133
Total 59,335 rcn− 1 = 47

Box 16.2Red
kangaroos and gray
kangaroos counted on
the Cunnamulla degree
block (10,870 km^2 ) in
June 1987. Each
replicate is the number
of kangaroos counted
on a transect measuring
0.4 km by 90 km.

WECC16 18/08/2005 14:47 Page 282

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