
(Brent) #1
many times suggests roughly an 8–10% risk of extinction within the next century,
or one extinction event every 10,000–20,000 years (Fig. 17.4).

There is a more mathematically elegant way to estimate extinction risk in popula-
tions with exponential population growth, using what is known as a “diffusion model”
(Lande 1993). We follow the discussion of diffusion models in Morris and Doak (2002).
A diffusion model can be visualized as if a vast number of beads are released at a
single point near the bottom of an infinitely deep river. Over time, the cloud of beads
would spread, due to individual beads bouncing up or down due to turbulence as
they flow downstream, just as the population trajectories for the geometric growth
model tend to spread over time (Fig. 17.4). A probability density formula known
as the inverse Gaussian distribution is used to predict the analogous distribution of
population densities over time, with residual variability in the exponential growth
rate of the population generating the turbulence. This equation generates a bell-shaped
distribution of population densities at each point in time, with the degree of spread
of the bell-shaped curve growing wider with every year. The initial position at which
the beads are released corresponds to the starting population density Nc. This is
important, because more beads will strike the bottom when they are released low
in the water column, just as the probability of extinction is highest for populations
starting at initially low numbers. The quasi-extinction threshold is denoted Nx, μis
the average exponential rate of increase (which equals the arithmetic mean of logeλ),
and σ^2 is the variance of logeλ. The probability of extinction in any given year tand
the cumulative probability of extinction are calculated according to the equations shown
in Box 17.1.
We will illustrate the application of the diffusion equation using population
censuses of females during 1959– 82 from the Yellowstone grizzly bear population
to estimate mean rand the standard deviation in r. As before, we will assume a lower
critical threshold Nc=10 animals and use the 1982 census total as the initial den-
sity Nx=41.
The predicted probability of extinction increases over time, because it takes several
poor years in sequence for a population of 41 grizzlies to crash to below 10 indi-
viduals (Fig. 17.5). The probability declines at very long times, simply because the
losers have already disappeared whereas any winners have likely grown well out of

302 Chapter 17


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Number of female grizzlies

Fig. 17.4Results of
100 replicate Monte
Carlo simulations of
the Yellowstone grizzly
population, based
on an exponential
growth model with
μ=−0.00086 and
σ=0.08. The lower
critical density is
arbitrarily set at 10
individuals. Between
5% and 10% of the
replicates tend to reach
the critical threshold
within a century.

17.7.2PVA based on
the diffusion model

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