
(Brent) #1

Apteryx 29
Aquila chrysaetos308, 367
herodias 221
ibis 154
armadillo, nine-banded 27
Artemisia 17
autochthonous supply 366

badger, European 193
acutorostrata 241
borealis 54
musculus 81
physalus 54
banded rail 306
banteng 14
Bartlett’s test 284
basal metabolic rate 46 – 8
bat, short-tailed 370
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis 187
brown 25, 30
grizzly 171, 300 – 4, 301– 4
beaver 25, 62 –3, 106, 108
Bebrornis seychellensis 77
beech 13, 40
behavior 60 –77
contingency model 60 –3
diet selection 60 – 6
feeding rates 63 –5
habitat selection 72– 4
interference 74 –5, 75
linear programming 65 – 6
optimal patch and habitat use 66 –9
resource selection functions 67–72
risk-sensitive habitat use 66 –70
social behavior and foraging 72–7
territoriality 75 –7
behavior of prey 176 –7
birth synchrony 177
herding 176 –7
migration 176
predator swamping 177
behavioral ecology 60
bellbird 370
burrowing 162
Tasmanian 40
gainardii 40
lesurur 162

Betula 12
glandulosa 42
bias errors 221–2
and ecosystem function 381–3, 381
ecosystems 377–9
bioeconomics 347–53
costs 348
discounting 352 –3
open access systems 349
profit 348
revenue 348
bioelectrical impedance 57– 8
biological control 360
biomes 11–18
alpine 16
benthos 18
boreal forest 12
communities 11
continental shelf 18
deserts 17
forest 12–14
grassland 15 –17
habit 11
marine 17–18
pelagic 18
semi-deserts 17
shrubland 14 –15
temperate forest 13
temperate grassland 16
biotic environment 19
birch 42
Birgus latro 31
bison 68
American 15 –16, 25, 68, 99, 146, 156,
183, 183 , 193, 325
wood 91, 134, 372
Bison 25
bison25, 91, 99, 372
red-winged 145, 159, 161
yellow-headed 145, 159
Blarina 172
blowfly 187
blue jay 42
bluebird 162
bluegill sunfish 69
bluetongue disease 194
body condition 133
body fat 132–3
Boiga irregularis306, 360
Bombycilla cedrorum 169

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