
(Brent) #1
epidemiology (cont’d)
thresholds of infection 181–3
transmission coefficient 181–3
epizootic disease 186 –7
emerging infectious diseases 187–8
myxomatosis 187
rabbit hemorrhagic disease 187
rinderpest 186 –7
equilibrium /equilibria 113, 114, 199
economic 349
constant quota harvest on 337
fixed proportion harvest on 341
asinus 118
caballus323 –4
quagga 29
Erethizon dorsatum 35
Eretmocheles imbricata 34
type 1 270 –1
type 2 270 –1
escapement 344
estimates of populations 219
Eucalyptus 14
regnans 13
Euphydryas editha 108
euro 161, 162
Eurometopias jubatus 376
evolutionarily stable strategy 72
experimental design 272 –8
alternative forms of 276
confounded treatments 273
one-factor 276
pseudo-replicated 278
role of controls 273 –5
role of replication 273 –5
two-factor 277 , 278
exponential population growth 300
extinction 312 –24
demographic 312
driven 312
and food loss 315
genetic 312
habitat change 313 –15
and hunting 317–18
introduced competitors 318 –19
introduced diseases 320 –1
introduced predators 315 –16
multiple causes 321
and pest control 316 –17
pesticides and contaminants 319 –20
prevention 312 –13


and recovery 323 – 4
stochastic 312
extinction risk 289 –338
demographic causes of 289
effects of harvest 337
environmental and demographic
stochasticity 300 –5
genetic causes of 291
harvesting and 308
introduced predators 306

Fratio 281–2, 285
facilitation 154 –7
catena 155
grazing succession 155
fixed 285
random 285
Fagus13, 40
peregrinus171, 319
punctatus 324
tinnunculus 171
falcon, peregrine 171, 319
Fasciola hepatica 192
bone marrow 133
content 133
kidney 133
faunal relaxation 380
fecundity 244, 247
measurement of 115
caracal 373
pardalis 367
sylvestris 373
ferret 92, 169, 359, 367
black-footed 157, 193, 316 –17, 322
fertility, measurement of 115
Festuca rubra 191
Ficus elastica 13
finch, house 188 –9, 189
fisher 91
fit, best 255, 258
fitness 297
definition 20
flea, rabbit 187
flycatcher, willow 161
food 36 –59
alkaloids 42
basal metabolic rate 46 – 8
body condition 53 –5

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