
(Brent) #1
resource partitioning (cont’d)
habitats 146 –7
limiting similarity 147–9
resource selection functions 67–72, 310
logistic regression 71
by wolves 71
resource use 196 –7
consumptive 196
interactive 197
pre-emptive 196
reactive 197
response variable 274
black 34, 147, 369
woolly 12
Rhynchotragus kirkii33 (see also Madoqua)
Ricker logistic regression257– 8
rinderpest 92, 186 –8
ring species 31–2
risk 265
asymmetry of 271
risk-sensitive habitat use 69 –70
by fish 69
by herbivores 70
by rodents 70
rmax121, 256, 259 – 60, 262, 289
roan antelope 14, 53, 159, 175
robin, American 161, 169, 179
black-footed 176
yellow-footed 161–2
rufous bristlebird 71
Rupicapra rupicapra139, 357, 374

sabertooth cat 25
sabertooth marsupial 24
sable 14, 53
sagebrush 17
saiga antelope 15 –16, 309, 325
Saiga tatarica309, 325
salamander, clouded 34
Salix 12
glauca 42
sample counting methods 226 –34
comparing estimates 233 –4
equal-sized units 227–9, 230
fixed boundaries 227–30
merging estimates 234
proportional to size 230, 230
stratification 232–3
unbounded samples 230 –2
unequal-sized units 229, 230


sample counts 221–6
bias errors 221–2
how to sample 226
precision and accuracy 221, 233
random or non-random 225 – 6
sampling and replacement 223 –4
sampling frames 222
sampling strategies 222 –3
transects or quadrats 224 –5, 225
sample size 253, 271
SARS 187
savanna 15
sawfly, larch 169
scalar 246
carolinensis 154
vulgaris 154
screwworm fly 360
seal, gray 34, 187, 363
sealions, Steller’s 376
Seirus aurocapillus 314
Selasphorus rufus 76
selection 295
directional 295
disruptive 295
natural 295
stabilizing 295
Senecio 17
sex ratio 298 –9
shearwater, sooty 174
sheathbill, lesser 368
sheep 278
bighorn 44, 152, 176, 189
Dall 95
domestic 317
mountain 95, 177
Soay 118, 119, 128, 128 –9, 130 , 131,
185, 251, 251
age-structured model 251–2
effects of age structure 130–1
effects of weather 128, 130
model of 130
sheep tick 190
Sialis sialis 162
Sigmodon hispidus 95
significance 253 –4
biological 254
statistical 253
barndoor 369
common 369
skink 360, 367

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