
(Brent) #1
Thomas Malthus 88
thrasher, pearly eyed 193
thrush, wood 314
Thunnus 18
Thylacosmilus 24
tiger 315
coal 358
crested 313
great 62, 67, 73, 76, 118, 119 , 184
topi 53, 154
total counts 219 –20
total response 170 –6
destabilizing 174–6
and regulation 171–3
imberbis 52
scriptus 52
strepsiceros43, 112
transition matrix 244
Trichechus 18
Trichocereus 14
Tricholimnas sylvestris 315
Trichostrongylus tenuis184 –5, 189
Trichosurus vulpecula56, 176, 362,
Troglodytes aedon 184
tropical forest 13 –14
savanna 15
tundra 16
woodland 14
tsessebe 147, 175
tuberculosis 193
tuna 18
tundra 16
Turdus migratorius161, 169, 179
green 34
hawksbill 34
loggerhead 34, 248, 248 , 250 , 251
painted 35
turtle excluder device (TED) 251
Tympanuchus cupido 321

Ulmus13, 191
Uria aalge 33
Urocyon littoralis308, 367
Ursus 16
arctos25, 30, 171

value judgments 4
vector 246


Vestaria 152
black-capped 377
least Bell’s 377
red-eyed 314
atricapillus 377
bellii 377
vital rates 244
vole 13, 16, 131, 139, 140, 167, 184, 191,
212 –13, 213 , 330
bank 167–8
Gull Island 314
Townsend’s 131, 132
Vombatus ursinus 50
cana 191
macrotis 92
vulpes98, 185
Vultur gryphus 324
Cape 38
long-billed 319
slender-billed 319
white-backed 319

garden 53
greenish 31
Kirtland’s 375
Sardinian 15
Seychelles brush 77
yellow 161
warthog 186
water 37– 8
waterbuck 28
weasel 337
least 214
weather 291
effects on abundance 118
and elk population growth 123
whale 219
blue 81
fin 54
humpback 29
killer 376
minke 241
sei 54
white-eye, Japanese 319
whooping crane 194
wild cat 373
wild dog 91, 188, 191, 369

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