
(Brent) #1
food items are rarely mixed homogeneously across the landscape visited by the for-
ager. This is particularly true of mobile prey which may be attempting to avoid pre-
dators. If alternative prey species tend to occur in different microhabitats, differ in
their activity patterns, or have a different capacity for avoidance of predators, then
simple frequencies of abundance may be a poor predictor of diet composition. In these
cases, more complex models may be needed to predict optimal diet patterns.
In some cases, particularly herbivores, foragers need to maintain a balanced intake
of particular nutrients, rather than simply maximizing energy gain in whatever way
possible (see Chapter 4). For example, howler monkeys tend to choose a diet more
heavily laden with leaves than should be optimal, perhaps because they must balance
nutrients (Milton 1979). Similarly, the marine gastropod Dolabella auriculariagrows
several times faster on a mix of algal species than when fed on a single species of
algae (Penning et al. 1993).
The optimal diet model represents a simplistic view of foraging. Most species have
biological features that introduce additional elements into the decision-making pro-
cess. For example, many species forage outwards from a central place, whether that
place is a den, perch, or resting site. If the forager sallies forth, retrieves one or more
prey items and then returns to the central place before feeding on the items, then
this additional travel time and energetic expenditure must be accommodated to make
useful predictions (Orians and Pearson 1979). Thus, beavers forage on a variety of
woody plants on the shore surrounding the ponds or streams where they build their
lodges. Several studies have shown that beavers feed more selectively the further out
food items occur from the lodge, as predicted by central place foraging models ( Jenkins
1980; McGinley and Witham 1985; Fryxell and Doucet 1993). The greater energetic
cost of travel to more distant food requires that animals be more selective. As a
consequence, the handling time of potential food items is dependent on distance,
implying different patterns of diet selectivity.

Optimal patterns of foraging can have important effects on the rate of attack by
consumers. The rate of consumption of prey type 1, f(N 1 ), by an optimal forager is
predicted by the following multispecies functional response:








0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
Rate of encounter with big prey

% Big prey in diet

Fig. 5.2Krebs et al.’s
(1977) laboratory
experiment on diet
selection by Parus
major. Two sizes of
mealworms were
delivered via conveyor
belt in random order to
the forager. The
horizontal axis shows
the rate of encounter
with big prey. As the
rate of encounter with
big prey declined, the
birds expanded their
diet to include small

5.2.2Optimal diet
selection: effects on
feeding rates

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