Women Leaders in Village Panchayats

(Nandana) #1

In the PDS shop, I faced a problem when I went to get my share of grains.
Initially the supplier refused to give it, saying that the supply had not arrived.
When I protested, stating government rules, he offered me a deal: telling me
to help him mislead others by telling them that the supplies were short, in
return he said, I would get my full share. I refused the offer and made it clear
that he would have to provide the right amount to everyone that came to his
shop. After constant checks and arguments with the supplier, the PDS shop
now gives out essential commodities regularly and proportionately.

My life has changed a lot after being elected. I still work in the fields, but
often when I have to report for meetings and other Panchayat-related work,
my husband plays a supportive role by handling my share of work too.
Earlier, the men of my Ward used to ask me for money to buy alcohol, but
I always refused.

After attending training programs, I have gained more confidence. I
am connected to the villagers, especially women and I have taught them
the basics of monitoring. Earlier, women were a little skeptical, but now
they listen to me because they know that I have valuable information to
share. I have a group of women always supporting my initiatives. I take
special interest in providing the people of my Ward with information about
Schemes, their implementation, new government rules, and notifications
for the Panchayat. Everyone knows me as the ‘doer’ now, quite different
from the ‘laborer’ tag that I earlier used to carry. The women villagers fondly
address me as ‘officer’. I even give them the example of my husband who has
been so supportive, and I tell them to talk with their own husbands to allow
them to come for meetings. For me, NREgS has best worked as a strategy
to solve the problem of migration. I have myself been able to get a constant
supply of livelihood opportunity through it. I wish to contest the elections
for the post of President in future.

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