Women Leaders in Village Panchayats

(Nandana) #1
Though I am sixty years old, I am an active President of a Panchayat comprising
5 villages. I came to know that the post of President was reserved for women
when I overheard the villagers discussing it. A thought came to my mind; I
have lived so long, let me also see what it is like to be a President. There were
two other women candidates but I won by a margin of 250 votes.

Because of my age and experience, I do not hesitate when it comes to speaking
my mind and I do not wear a burqa, nor draw a veil. I was informed about
some of the duties of a President from the gram Sevak but came to know
the rest through a three-day workshop in gagaria. There are 3 women Ward
Members in my Panchayat and I invariably get their support. With the support
of the gram Sabha and Panchayat members, I have succeeded in getting 20-
25 houses constructed under the IAY, tanks, and roads constructed. Road
construction in Bitda and Pabusaria villages is in my future task list.

My son helps me with reading and writing. However, I take all the decisions.
How can anyone else do my work? I am the President. Before I left the village
only to cast my vote in gagaria; but now I have to go out at least once a week.
After I became a President, I am seeing life and newer things. Earlier, I enjoyed
respect only in my home, now I am respected even outside.

A woman can better represent the aspirations of people than a man can. If a
man is a President, he will keep wandering outside. When a woman becomes
a President, she also enquires about home affairs; talks to women as well as
men. A male President would talk to a woman only under the pressure of
some compulsion or necessity, while a woman enquires about the well being
of everybody. During the three years of my tenure, neither have I faced any
difficulty in getting my work done nor have I felt any fear. Why should I fear
when I have the post of the President?

Panchayat: Kantal ka Par
Block: Barmer
District Barmer

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