Women Leaders in Village Panchayats

(Nandana) #1
During my tenure, I did several things no other President had done earlier.
Earlier, the Aanganwadi was housed in a mud hut. We passed a proposal and
a centre made of cement was constructed. This is a first. I also met the MLA
and got the Middle School upgraded to Class VIII.

Before becoming the President, I had no knowledge about the Panchayat. Who
are its members? What do they do? However, after becoming the President, I
am proud to do my duties as a public representative. There are six villages in
my Panchayat. Before becoming the President, I had no idea where and when
gram Sabha meetings are held, so I had never ever attended any of them. Now
every one, the whole village is with me. I have a say.

I have never before deeply regretted the fact that I am illiterate as deeply as
I do since I have been elected President. I seek the help of my sister’s son in
reading and writing. Earlier, I hesitated in saying or doing something for the
simple reason that I was illiterate. I feared I might make a mistake. Sometimes
people too would warn me not to sign some fake paper. I would retort that the
person who makes me do something wrong would also be brought to book.
Now, I sign only after understanding any document fully. I seek no one’s help
now. I have learnt to sign my name after becoming the President.

Training workshops have helped immensely in ridding me of the hesitation
born out of my illiteracy. I went to Barmer for a meeting for the first time.
Then I went to Jaipur as well. It was there that I came to know I had the
power to get cement Aanganwadi center built; that I could meet the collector
and the BDO; I could speak my mind even though I am illiterate. Using this
information, I approached the Collector one day. There were only 4 teachers
in the village school, I told him, while the number of students was high. I felt
more teachers were required. I went to the collector with 20 people including
3 women Ward Members. We made our demand together. The work was done
in one go! Two new teachers have now joined.

Earlier, I would go out of the village only to attend a marriage ceremony,
now I go out for getting Panchayat work done. I have a long list of the tasks

Radha Devi
Panchayat: Nand
Block: Barmer
District Barmer

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