Women Leaders in Village Panchayats

(Nandana) #1
On being elected Ward Member, I found that my President (whose husband
took charge of all Panchayat affairs) in connivance with the Panchayat
Secretary and BDO had been misusing the Offices of the Panchayat. With
my husband’s encouragement and active participation, I initiated a campaign
against the President and her husband. I have been partially successful in this
struggle. The elected women’s federation active in the area encouraged and
supported me in my fight.

I come from a political family. My father in law had been Ward Member for
many years handing over the reins to his son in 2000. After serving a five-
year term as Ward Member, he had to give up his seat when it was declared
reserved under the woman’s quota in 2005. I was asked to replace him and
stand instead for the election that year. I have studied until Class V and am
from Delhi. I was delighted at the opportunity. However, I was pregnant at
the time and my father-in-law put his foot down at the proposal. As a result,
the seat was given up to a gujjar woman who was elected uncontested.

However, politics was clearly in written in my stars. In 2007, the sitting
Ward Member passed away and a new opportunity opened up for me to
stand for election. I belong to the Bhairva (SC) community. My proposed
candidature ignited a caste war in my Ward. The former Member’s gujjar
husband was determined to prop his candidate- another gujjar as Ward
Member. When he realized that I too was in the fray, he threatened my
husband and tried to intimidate him to get me to withdraw my candidature.
Undeterred, we decided to go ahead. As luck would have it, I won the
election by a mere five votes.

Once elected, my husband informed me that I had to start going to the
Panchayat meetings. Therefore, accompanied by my husband, I went to
my first meeting where I noticed that my female President’s husband had
taken charge of proceedings. However, what irked me most was that after
this first meeting, the Panchayat went defunct. There were no further
meetings. Through conversations with other Ward Members, I learnt that
the husband of the President, the Panchayat Secretary and two other Ward

Radha Devi Bhairva
Ward Member
Panchayat: Rupadikala
Block: Barmer
District: Barmer

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