Women Leaders in Village Panchayats

(Nandana) #1

installed, in addition to the 60 fluorescent lamps, which had earlier existed
in the Panchayat. We have also had a 100 percent success in the collection of
taxes in our Panchayat.

Rupees eight Lakhs have been spent on the provision for safe drinking water. I
obtained special permission from the Cordite Ammunition Factory (a Central
government concern) to construct a check dam bordering their property, This
will provide water to Beratty village.

I have also facilitated the provision for 180 people to avail of land deeds, 306
families have been provided free colour TV sets, and 126 aged persons have
avail of OAPs.

My ambition is to make this Panchayat a Model Panchayat in Tamil Nadu and
in India. I am ready to sacrifice my whole life to this. I am a widow and have
committed my whole self to the betterment of marginalized groups.

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