Women Leaders in Village Panchayats

(Nandana) #1
My village received the ‘Nirmal gram Award’ while I was the President of the
Panchayat. At present, I am full of energy and confidence and have made up
my mind to serve society in the best way possible.

Before I was President, I was a homemaker, however I was actively involved in
helping the community. I gained the confidence of the people by hard work
and determination.

I fought the election against eight candidates and won by 150 votes. After
I was elected President, I did all the work despite problems. Earlier I was a
member of the gram Sabha and there was a group of three gram Sabhas in
the Panchayat. Due to this, my village was deprived of development initiatives
and various other schemes. Therefore, I along with other villagers strongly
opposed this, got our gram Sabha separated from the group and I was elected
the first President of my village. The land mafia illegally wanted to sell off the
gram Sabha land. I filed a case against the mafia, which is pending, and I am
hopeful of winning despite the odds.

The Panchayat was given the ‘Nirmal gram Award’ because I worked to
ensure proper sanitation facilities and have built many toilets for the minority
communities. Today, there is a toilet in each house in my village.

I have also worked to promote SHgs, made people aware of environmental
degradation caused by polythene and its impact on the surrounding ecology.
With this awareness, I was able to minimize the use of polythene in my

I have also worked for the eradication of dowry. I have also helped poor women
and provided them with the means for their livelihood. I have tried my best to
provide employment to the poor.

I ardently feel that the youth must come forward and contribute to the
development and growth of the village as well as the country and whatever
they do they choose to must do with honesty and integrity.

gayatri Bhatt
Panchayat: Sitabpur
Block: Dugadda
District: Pauri

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