Women Leaders in Village Panchayats

(Nandana) #1
I have been the Secretary of the Mahila Mangal Dal (Women’s group).
We mobilized the village women to form the group, as several men were
mercilessly beating their wives after drinking alcohol. Alcohol consumption
became a serious concern and our group took several steps to address it. The
ultimate solution was to stop the production of liquor in the village. Under
my leadership, the villagers themselves prohibition alcohol. For example, the
women picketed the illegal liquor shops operating in the villages and forced
them to close down.

I was a voluntary member of the Literacy Campaign which spread awareness
amongst the villagers about their rights, and supported education for all, with
a greater emphasis on women’s education. During my tenure as the Panchayat
President, I have undertaken several activities, like the construction of roads,
Panchayat ghar etc. Being a woman President, I have faced innumerable
difficulties. The Vice-President of the village tries to undermine my authority,
manipulate the villagers and he misuses the Panchayat funds.

Various infrastructural problems like lack of communication facilities and
difficult terrain have not deterred me from fulfilling my responsibilities. Two
women accompany me while touring the villages, when have to stay for more
then a day and travel on foot for at least 22 km. I have tried to put in my
best to address the grievances and make the village women, who are living in
pitiable conditions aware of their rights. I have requested women of all villages
to form committees and have greater unity.

The Aanganwadi meetings are held regularly and provide me with the
required information and the problems faced by the village women. I have
tried to support the female teachers during their tenure and am paying special
attention to adolescent girls. I am grateful to RLEK, who inspired me to serve
the people and especially strengthen women.

Janaki Devi
Village: Chapret
Block: Rekhnikhal
District: Pauri

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