Women Leaders in Village Panchayats

(Nandana) #1
The population of Kargil comprises mainly of peasants and masons, who
are subservient, to the Shia clerics. Their social fabric, heavily influenced by
religion, discourages women to participate in affairs outside their homes.

Bound by centuries of subjugation within the four walls of the domestic
domain, it still takes a lot of courage and determination to break this silence.
I was the first woman in the history of Ladakh to contest the recent local Hill
Council elections despite all sorts of pressures and threats.

I stood against a powerful Agha (religious head of Shias) from a constituency,
which is considered one of the most conservative in the region. I was born
and brought up there and always saw women as oppressed by religion. When
I stood for elections, I gave out a clear message saying that women should no
longer be suppressed by men under the influence of ‘‘Mullahgiri’.

I overcame the fear that women are conditioned to succumb to. I remained
steadfast against threats and pressures made by the community when I filed
my nomination papers. Even my family put lot of pressure on me. They
threatened to sever their relationship with me but I stood my ground. The
pressure was so intense that it was almost impossible for my supporters to
campaign for me. Even while I write this, my agent is being threatened to
withdraw his support.

My objective was very clear when I decided to challenge male domination. I
wanted to fight for women’s rights and address serious issues related to health,
education, multiple marriages and so on. Women are left in the lurch without
any social acceptance. I fought hard but lost the election. The mere 88 votes I
won were hard earned, and mean a lot to me.

It was, in actual terms, a victory over orthodoxy. My contesting the elections
has inspired many other women across the region of Ladakh. When I filed
my nomination, I was invited by women from as many as five other areas to
contest from their constituencies. Women from Baru, Kargil town, Khomeini
Bagh, and so on came to me requesting me to stand on their behalf. The

Zahira Bano
Village: Kannuar
Block: Sanku
District: Kargil

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