108 bernard vitrac
two alternative proofs for Propositions x .105–106 are inserted at diff erent
places in the manuscripts. 100 Called here ‘superfi cial’ as opposed to the origi-
nal ‘linear’ Greek proofs, they apply to and argue about rectangular areas.
Let us explain this diff erence by an example, Proposition (Heib.) x .105:
A [straight line] commensurable with a minor straight line is a minor.
First proof in Greek 101
Aliter in Greek = fi rst proof in
medieval tradition
Let AB be a minor straight line and CD
commensurable with AB; I say that CD
i s a l s o m i n o r.
Let A be a minor straight line and B
[be] commensurable with A; I say
that B is minor.
We will consider the two components
(AE, EB) of AB and let DF be constructed
so that (AB, BE, CD, DF) are in
proportion. By vi .22, their squares
will also be in proportion and, thence by
x .11, x .23 Por. it will be shown (CD, DF)
have the same properties as (AB, BE).
Th us, by defi nition, CD will be a minor.
Let CD be a commensurate straight line.
Let the rectangles be constructed:
CE = square on A, width: CF,
FG = square on B, width: FH.
CE is the square on minor A so CE is
the fourth apotome ( x .100).
We have Comm. (A, B).
Th us: Comm. (CE, FG) and Comm.
(CF, FH).
FH is the fourth apotome ( x .103).
Th e square on B = Rect. (EF, FH), thus B
is a minor ( x .94)
- In each of the linear proofs, the argument concerns the two parts of an
irrational straight line. Th e same type of argument is repeated ten times.
Th ough repetitive, the approach has the advantage of not employing
anything other than the Defi nitions of diff erent types and the theory of
100 In the Greek manuscripts the proof aliter to x .105–106 is inserted at the end of Book x , aft er
the alternative proof to x .115, which without a doubt implies that they had been compiled in
this place, aft er the transcription of Book x , in a limited space. Th us, they are in the margins
of manuscripts B and b. In one of the prototypes of the tradition, x .107 aliter has been lost or
omitted, probably for reasons of length, or because it was confused with x .117 vulgo which
follows immediately (but which is mathematically unrelated).
101 My diagrams are derived from those found in the edition of Heiberg ( EHS : iii 191 and 229,
respectively). Th ose of the manuscripts are less general. Th e segments AE, CF are very nearly
equal (the same goes for A, B in aliter ) and divided similarly.