The History of Mathematical Proof in Ancient Traditions

(Elle) #1

Th e Elements and uncertainties in Heiberg’s edition 123


Th e appendix contains three tables (each describing one of the breaks
observed in the textual tradition of Euclid’s Elements ). I have used the fol-
lowing abbreviations:

Df., Defi nition; Post., Postulates; CN, Common Notion; Prop. proposition;
Por. Porism (= corollary); Th e notation N / N + 1 designates the lemma between
Propositions N and N + 1. Brackets indicate portions considered inauthentic by
Heiberg, but which exist in Greek manuscripts.

(+) or (−) signify the presence or absence of a textual element, respectively;
(÷2): fusion of two elements into one;
(× 2): subdivision of an element into two.
aliter marks the existence of a second proof, possibly partial (indicated by ‘p’) or the
existence of a second defi nition.

Ad., version called Adelard I (Busard 1983 ); GC, version attributed to Gerard
of Cremona (Busard 1984 ); gr.-lat., Greco-Latin version (Busard 1987 ); Heib.,
Heiberg’s edition; IsTh , Ishâq–Th âbit version; P , manuscript Vatic. Gr. 190; Th ,
Greek manuscripts called Th eonians (on P / Th , see above, pp.  82–5); mg.,
m a r g i n a l i a.

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