178 reviel netz
beyond a single argument or so). In Table 3.1 , I list for each treatise its
length in Teubner Greek pages, as well as its square- bracketed passages. I
believe that a good way of quantifying the impact of such square brackets is
not by mere word-count – excising fi ve times a single-word passage is more
signifi cant than excising a single fi ve-word passage – and instead I develop
an ad-hoc ‘logarithmic’ count, with each ‘single word’ counting for one
unit, each ‘phrase’ counting for three units, each ‘passage’ for nine and each
‘long passage’ for twenty-seven. I then sum up this logarithmic value as
the ‘Bracketing Equivalent’. I then calculate the ‘Bracketing Equivalent per
Page’ or BEPP, which is the Bracketing Equivalent divided by the number
of Teubner pages. Th is entire exercise is of course somewhat absurd, but it
does arrange the data in a useful way.
Table 3.1 Heiberg’s use of square brackets
T r e a t i s e
Length (Teubner
pages of Greek)
Bracketed by
Heiberg (~BEPP)
(discussed below)
Floating Bodies i 13 1 word (~0.05) Doric, Palimpsest
Arenarius 22 3 words (~0.15) Doric, discursive
Method 41 4 words, 2 phrases
Koine, Palimpsest
Spiral Lines 60 5 words, 2 phrases, 1
passage (~0.35)
Floating Bodies ii ~26 8 words (~0.35) Doric, Palimpsest
Quadrature of
27 6 words, 3 phrases
Conoids and
100 10 words, 10 phrases, 2
long passages (~0.95)
Planes in
Equilibrium ii
25 3 words, 5 phrases,
2 passages (~1.4)
Doric, Eutocius
Planes in
Equilibrium i
20 7 words, 12 phrases, 2
passages (~2.6)
Doric, Eutocius
of the Circle
6 7 words, 1 phrase,
1 passage (~3.1)
Koine, Eutocius
Sphere and
Cylinder ii
31 12 words, 20 phrases, 12
passages, 3 long passages
Koine, Eutocius
Sphere and
Cylinder i
83 11 words, 48 phrases, 29
passages, 12 long
passages (~9)
Koine, Eutocius
N o t e : Th e table is arranged by ascending BEPP (Stom. and Bov. are not included in this