The History of Mathematical Proof in Ancient Traditions

(Elle) #1

288 François charette

Identifying the origin of al-Khwārizmī’s algebra presented more serious
diffi culties, since it diff ered from both the Greek and Indian algebraic
traditions. But for Cantor, Islamic algebra could under no circumstances
be autochthonous: it could only feature Greek and Indian elements, so he
assumed an amalgam of both traditions. In general, however, Cantor was
convinced that there existed two separate schools in Islamic mathematics,
bringing about a fundamental opposition between the disciples of Indian
methods and those, more numerous, who strictly adhered to the Greek
tradition.^51 Cantor’s entire section on Islamic mathematics shows precisely
his constant concern for associating every single mathematician or result
within one of the two groups.

How did the Arabs handle the Greek axiomatic–deductive methods?
Now we come to the more crucial question: were the ‘Arabs’ up to dealing
with Greek thought? How did ‘Oriental’ mathematicians come to terms
with the Euclidean axiomatic–deductive method? Hankel described the
nature of Euclid’s infl uence on Islamic mathematical practice with the
following words:

In the same way, one zealously occupied himself with the logical analysis of
his  (Euclid’s) method, his defi nitions and axioms, and one used his demonstra-
tions  for the exemplifi cation of the rules of formal logic in a similarly pedan-
tic  manner as what our German logicians still liked to do almost until our
century. 52

Th us the ‘Greek oversubtlety’, as Hankel says ( griechische Spitzfi ndigkeit ),
was a level too high for the Arabs. Its perversion he exemplifi ed with
[pseudo-]T. ūsī’s vain attempt to prove Euclid’s postulate of parallels. 53 T o
this observation Hankel adds the following statement concerning the status
and use of demonstrations in Arabic treatises:

Despite their even doctrinary acquaintance with the demonstrative method [of the
Greeks], the Arabs, most of the time, have refrained from providing the demonstra-
tions, and have dogmatically strung the theorems and rules together, exactly as the

51 Cantor 1894 : 718–19.
52 Hankel 1874 : 272.
53 Th e Arabic text of a recension of Euclid’s Elements wrongly attributed to Nas. īr al-Dīn al-T. ūsī
had been printed in Rome in 1586 and was available through Wallis’ analysis thereof in his
history of algebra, his interpretation being possible thanks to the collaboration of orientalist
Pococke. See Molland 1994 and Stedall 2001.
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