The History of Mathematical Proof in Ancient Traditions

(Elle) #1

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Tannery has all as alphabetical numerals. Th e most we can say is that, in
the manuscripts, there is an overall tendency to prefer using the same form
within a single phrase, though exceptions to this are found as well. Here we
see Tannery homogenizing, turning numbers into numerals. But we may
also fi nd the opposite, e.g. in i .20, an expression we may translate as

Tannery: Let the two <numbers> be set down as ς 3
τετάχθωσαν οἱ δύο ς 3
Par. Gr. 2485: Let the 2 <numbers> be set down as Numbers, Th ree.
τετάχθωσαν οἱ Β ἀριθμοὶ τρεῖς

Tannery has spelled out the word ‘two’, to signal that it functions here in
a syntactic, not an arithmetical way. But it is neither syntactic nor arith-
metical, it is phonological/orthographic. In the manuscripts, we have the
phonological/orthographic object /duo/ which may be represented, as far
as the scribes are concerned, by either B or δύο: both would do equally well.
Signifi cantly, it is diffi cult to discern a system even in the symbols intro-
duced by Diophantus himself. Consider Par. Gr. 2380, inside ii .10: ς ενος
μοναδων Γ, that is ‘ς one, monads 3’ (I quote this as an elegant example
where both Diophantus’ special symbols, as well as numerals, are inter-
changed with fully spelled out words). Very typical are expressions such
as Par. Gr. 2378, ii .20: Δ υ Δ αριθμους Ε Μ ο , that is ‘Δ υ 4, numbers 5, Μ ο 1’.
Th e ‘numbers’ – alone in the phrase – are spelled out. In general, one can
say that monads appear to be abbreviated more oft en than anything else in
Diophantus’ symbolism: this may be because they are so common there.
But the main fact is not quantitative, but qualitative: one fi nds, in all manu-
scripts, the full range from Diophantine phrases fully spelled out in natural
Greek, through all kinds of combinations of symbols and full words, to fully
abbreviated phrases.
My conclusion is that symbols in Diophantus are allographs : ways of
expressing precisely the same things as their fully spelled out equivalents.
And once this allography is understood, the chaos of the manuscripts
becomes natural. For why should you decide in advance when to use this or
that, when the two are fully equivalent?
One should now understand Tannery’s plight. Th at he systematized his
printed edition is natural: what else should he have done? I am not even
sure we should criticize him for failing to provide a critical apparatus on
the symbols. Th e task is immense and its fruits dubious. In particular, given
Tannery’s goal – of reconstructing, to the best of his ability, Diophantus’
original text – a critical study of the abbreviations seems indeed hopeless.
Th e interrelationships between manuscripts, in terms of their choice of
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