The History of Mathematical Proof in Ancient Traditions

(Elle) #1

28 karine chemla

historiographic ideas were formed, the values which past historians had
deemed central, the agendas they adopted and the critical editions they
produced. We are now brought back to the new agenda we suggested above:
what can be gained by widening our perspective on the practices of proof
while considering a richer collection of sources?

III Broader perspectives on the history of proof

Widening our perspective on Greek texts: epistemological values
and goals attached to proof
Th e biases in the history of proof on which the foregoing analysis
shed light fi rst coloured the treatment of the source material written
in Greek. Historical approaches to proof in ancient Greece have so far
concentrated mainly on a restricted corpus of texts and have limited the
issues addressed. Th e ensuing account was accordingly confi ned in its
scope and left wide ranges of evidence overlooked. Some of the chapters
in this book deal precisely with part of this evidence. To begin with,
Geoff rey Lloyd’s chapter indicates some of the benefi ts that could be
derived from a radical broadening of the corpus of Greek proofs under
consideration. In particular, he discusses some of the new questions that
emerge from this extended context, with regard to the practices of proof
in ancient Greece.
Lloyd fi rst reminds us of the fact that, despite the importance histo-
riography granted to Euclid’s Elements and cognate geometrical texts,
mathematical arguments in ancient Greece were by no means restricted
to proofs of the type that this corpus embodies. As Lloyd illustrates by
means of examples, Greek sources on mathematical sciences provide
ample evidence of other forms of argument as well as discussions on the
relative value of proofs. 38 Enlarging the set of sources under consideration
thus opens a space in which the various practices of proof and the values
attached to them become an object of historical inquiry. Some of these
sources bear witness to the fact that some authors found it important to
use various modes of reasoning. Lloyd recalls the case of Archimedes, who
expounds in Th e Method why it is fruitful to consider a fi gure as composed
of indivisibles and to interpret it in a mechanical way in order to yield the
result sought for. However, as Lloyd insists, although Archimedes deemed
such reasoning essential to the discovery of the result to be proved, in

38 Lloyd has made this point on other domains of inquiry; compare for instance Lloyd 1996b.
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