444 karine chemla
Th e fi rst division ends the ‘procedure for the fi eld with the greatest gen-
erality’. Th e reason underlying its correctness is not mentioned here. Th e
second division ends the algorithm for computing the volume of the trun-
cated pyramid with square base. Mentioning the two divisions in succes-
sion allows making sense of the operations step by step, and hence, globally,
of the result. Moreover, this will prove important for the following part of
the reasoning. 26
As a consequence, by successive transformations of algorithm 1, the fol-
lowing algorithm (algorithm 3) is obtained for determining the volume of
the truncated pyramid with square base circumscribed to the desired trun-
cated pyramid with circular base:
Th e appending of two operations to yield algorithm 3 belonged to the
fi rst line of argumentation, as does the next transformation to be eff ected.
Indeed, once he has obtained an algorithm for the truncated pyramid with
square base, Liu Hui turns to considering how to derive the volume of the
truncated pyramid with circular base on the basis of the volume of the cir-
cumscribed pyramid. It is by a fi ft h transformation of the obtained list of
operations that he achieves this goal: operations are to be postfi xed to the
former sequence to get an algorithm yielding the volume of the truncated
pyramid with circular base inscribed in the obtained pyramid with square
base. Liu Hui fi rst makes a geometrical statement (my emphasis):
To look for the volume of the truncated pyramid with circular base, when knowing
the truncated pyramid with square base, is also like to look for the surface of the
circle at the centre of the surface of the square.
Two words deserve some attention here, which is why I emphasized
them. Th e fi rst one is ‘to look for’ ( qiu ). It regularly introduces the task that
26 Below, we shall meet with cases in which Liu Hui combines two divisions that follow each
other. Th e fact that he does in some cases and does not in others relates clearly to the
argument he is making. Th is feature highlights how carefully the relationship between shaping
a procedure and arguing for the correctness of a procedure is handled.
Multiplications Division Division
Sum by 9 by 3
Multiplication by h
C (^) i > ( C (^) i C (^) s + C (^) i 2 + C (^) s 2 ) h > ( C (^) i C (^) s + C (^) i 2 + C (^) s 2 ) h /9 >[( C (^) i C (^) s + C (^) i 2 + C (^) s 2 ) h /9]/3
C (^) s