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Table 15.2. Conventional identifi cation of the Tang dynasty textbooks
with the extant mathematical treatises
Treatises listed in
the Xin Tang shu
Identifi ed as the
following extant
t r e a t i s e s A u t h o r
D a t e o f
1 Sun zi
(Master Sun)
Sun zi suan jing
treatise of
Master Sun)
Unknown^ a^ C. 400
ce (?) b^
2 Wu cao
(Five departments)
Wu cao suan jing
(Computational treatise
of fi ve departments)
Unknown c^ Not earlier
than 386
ce^ d^
3 Jiu zhang
(Nine categories)
Jiu zhang suan shu
procedures of nine
Unknown e^ Prior to the
mid fi rst
century ce f^
4 Hai dao
(Sea island)
Hai dao suan jing
(Computational treatise
[beginning with a
about a sea island)
Liu Hui
( fl. 263)
C. 263 ce
5 Zhang Qiujian
Zhang Qiujian)
Zhang Qiujian
suan jing
treatise of Zhang
Zhang Qiujian
Mid fi ft h
century ce g^
6 Xiahou Yang
Xiahou Yang)
Xiahou Yang suan
treatise of Xiahou
Han Yan
763–79 h^
7 Zhou bi
(Th e gnomon
of Zhou
Zhou bi suan jing
(Computational treatise
on the gnomon of Zhou
Unknown Early fi rst
ce (?) i^