The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

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Yoga is good for your mind and good for your body. Of
the three important components of a balanced fitness pro-
gram—flexibility, strength, and cardiovascular condition-
ing—yoga directly provides the first two and has the
potential to enhance the third. Scientific studies on the
health benefits of yoga have found that it can be useful in a
wide range of conditions, including hypertension, asthma,
depression, arthritis, heart disease, epilepsy, and cancer.
In the Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga program, we have
chosen postures to expand your flexibility, strengthen
your muscles, and improve your balance. Each of the
Seven Spiritual Laws enlivens the practice of yoga, while
the practice of yoga enlivens your awareness of the Seven
Spiritual Laws. Whether you are a beginning or an expe-
rienced yoga practitioner, this program will energize your
body while taking your mind to a more expanded state of

Body Awareness Poses

We’ll begin with postures that have the main purpose of
enlivening body awareness. The word for “position” in
yoga is asana, which means “seat.” An asana is a position
that you assume consciously. Yoga is the practice of con-
sciously choosing the seat you assume. Although on one
level, this means the physical position you place your
body in, on another level, it implies that ultimately you
choose every position in life in which you find yourself.
Yoga then becomes a practice for making your choices
more consciously so that the consequences of them are
success and happiness.
As a human being, you have a built-in mechanism to

122 The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga

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