The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

(lu) #1

This posture provides a stretch to the hamstring mus-
cles at the back of the leg. Opening these muscles through
this pose translates into a more fluid gait.


Cross both legs in front of you, with your right ankle rest-
ing on your left thigh. If you can, bring your left ankle
onto your right thigh, assuming a full lotus position. If you
do not yet have the flexibility in your hips and legs to
achieve a full lotus, remain in a half-lotus with your left
ankle beneath your right thigh.
Now, flex forward at the waist until you are resting
your lower abdomen on your thighs. Relax into this pose for
several slow, deep breaths. Grasp your hands together
behind you and slowly lift your arms upward, keeping
themstraight. Hold this position for ten seconds, breathing
deeply, then lower your arms and slowly return to a sitting

134 The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga

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