The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

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strength. As you learn to maintain a centered state of
balance physically, you spontaneously feel more centered
and balanced mentally and emotionally.
According to the Seven Spiritual Laws, you have the
potential to create a magnificent life filled with wisdom,
success, and love. The creative cauldron of Pure Poten-
tiality resides within you in the domain of silence at the
source of your mind and body. You can access this field
through the stillness cultivated in your practice of yoga.
Joy in life flows from the effortless giving and receiv-
ing that derives from a deep connectedness to spirit.
Every breath and movement you perform in yoga reminds
you to allow vital energy to flow freely between your per-
sonal body and your extended body, spontaneously awak-
ening the Law of Giving and Receiving in your life.
The Law of Karma reminds you that every action has
its reaction. Performing actions consciously in your yoga
practice ensures that the reactions generated by your
choices are more likely to be evolutionary for you and for
those around you.
Opening to the possibility that you don’t have to
struggle so hard to achieve your goals is the essence of the
Law of Least Effort. Every practice session of yoga
reminds you of this basic principle. If you force yourself
into a posture, you will almost certainly pay the price the
next day of decreased rather than increased flexibility.
Yoga is practice for living life with finesse.
Your intentions orchestrate their fulfillment. Become
aware of the Law of Intention and Desire in your yoga
practice as you move into every posture. Introduce your
intention and then let go. It is this paradoxical coexis-
tence of the Law of Intention and Desire along with the

Consciousness in Motion 173
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