The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

(lu) #1

The spiritual journey is one of fulfilling the needs of
the flesh, the needs of the mind, and the needs of the
spirit. When you are willing to pose the question to your-
self, What do I really want? you are asking what level of
your being is expressing a need. Listen to the answers
that arise from within you and write them down. Watch
how over time your desires become fulfilled or are trans-
formed in different expressions. Whether they are satisfied
or change, new desires will arise to fill the void. Become
conscious of the forces that drive your choices and you
will become more intimate with your essential nature.
This will deepen your connection to your soul, which is
the goal of yoga.
As you become increasingly conscious of your identity
and your desires, ask yourself the third soul question,
How can I serve? Again, close your eyes, bring your
attention into the area of your heart, and ask yourself
these questions, listening to the responses that emerge
from a deeper aspect of your being:

How can I serve?
How can I be of service?
How can I help?
How can I best serve?

The inner dialogue of the subtle body revolves around
the questions, What do I get out of this? What’s in it for
me? As your inner reference point expands to embrace
your causal body, your inner dialogue shifts to, How can I
help? As your sense of self expands, your compassion pro-
portionately increases and you naturally find yourself car-
ing about how your choices influence those around you.

28 The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga

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