The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

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world as an individual while your inner state is one of a
universal being.
This is a state of being in which fear and anxiety do
not arise. You surrender your need to take yourself too seri-
ously because you recognize that life is a cosmic play, and
like a great actor, you perform your role impeccably but do
not lose your real self in the character you’re playing.
This is the goal of yoga—to know yourself as a spiritual
being disguised as a human being, to be established in
union and perform action in harmony with the evolu-
tionary flow of life.

We’ve now explored the map of yoga as elaborated by
Patanjali, the great voyager of inner space. In the next
chapter, we’ll delve into the principles that support the
foundation of yoga—the Seven Spiritual Laws that govern
the relationship between the body, mind, and soul.

48 The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga

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