too hard, making a less than ideal choice, and the karmic
cost is your discomfort.
Karma presents itself in your present by reminding
you of your past. Choosing more consciously from the
witnessing realm of quiet awareness, you make karma-
free choices.
Put the Law of Karma into effect in your yoga practice and
your life so that you make the most evolutionary choices.
Commit yourself to the following three steps:
- As you move through your yoga practice, witness
the choices you make in each moment. In the wit-
nessing of your choices, you will bring them into your
conscious awareness. Be fully present in this moment
and your next moment will not carry the conse-
quences of the prior one. The best way to prepare for
any moment in the future is to be fully conscious in
the present. - As you make your choice about how to move
through resistance in your poses, ask yourself two
questions: “What are the consequences of the choice
I’m making?” and “Will this choice bring comfort?”
When you make your choices outside of your practice
of yoga, ask yourself, “Which choice is most likely to
bring happiness and fulfillment to me and to those
affected by my choice?” - Then listen to your heart for guidance and be
guided by its message of comfort or discomfort. Your
heart is the junction point between your mind and
your body. If the choice feels comfortable in your
body, move into it with confidence. If the choice
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga 59