The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

(lu) #1

feels uncomfortable, pause and see the consequences
of your action with your inner vision. Honoring the
guidance that is provided by your body’s intelligence
will help you make the most evolutionary choices for
yourself and those in your life.
Become familiar with the mantra whose vibratory
qualities resonate with the Law of Karma and repeat it to
yourself when you are making karmically significant
choices. Thinking the mantra will remind you to listen to
your body so your choice will be most likely to provide you
with greater comfort and joy.

Om Kriyam Namah
My actions are aligned with cosmic law

Law 4. The Law of Least Effort

The Law of Least Effort states that nature’s intelligence
functions with effortless ease. If you look at the ebb and
flow of the tides, the blossoming of a flower, or the move-
ment of the stars, you do not see nature straining. There is
rhythm and balance in the natural world, and when you
are in harmony with nature, you can make use of the Law
of Least Effort by minimizing your effort and maximizing
your effect.
When a Newtonian model of the world predomi-
nated in our collective awareness, the principles of force
and effort were dominant. But in our modern era, when
quantum physics provides the most comprehensive
model of how the universe works, there is no place for
force and effort. Rather, timing and finesse are the tools

60 The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga

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