The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

(lu) #1

As a human being, you experience the quantum field
subjectively as your own thoughts, feelings, memories,
desires, needs, expectations, fantasies, and beliefs. You
experience the same field objectively as your physical
body and the physical world. At the level of the field, the
collection of thoughts called your mind and the collection
of molecules called your body are different disguises of
the same underlying reality. The ancient yogic sages had
an expression for this realization, “Tat Tvam Asi,” which
translates as, “I am that, you are that, all this is that, and
that’s all there is.”
If you accept that your personal body is not separate
from the body of the universe, then by consciously
changing the energy and informational content of your
own body, you can influence the energy and information
of your extended body—your environment, your world.
This influence is activated by two qualities inherent in
consciousness:attentionandintention. Attention enlivens
while intention transforms.
If you want something to grow stronger in your life,
direct more of your attention to it. If you want something
to diminish in your life, withdraw your attention from it.
Intention, on the other hand, catalyzes the transformation
of energy and information into new forms and expres-
sions. According to ancient yogic principles, your inten-
tion has organizing power.
Accomplished yogis are masters of attention and
intention. They can influence components of their phys-
iology in ways that modern science used to think were
impossible. Yogis can raise and lower their blood pres-
sure, speed up or slow down their heart rates, increase or
decrease their body temperature, and bring their respira-

64 The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga

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