
(singke) #1

entombed in the bodies of those nourished by them, and yet
there is room for them all—converted into flesh and blood,
transformed to air and fire.

How is the truth of this determined?

Through analysis: material and cause.

  1. Not to be driven this way and that, but always to behave
    with justice and see things as they are.

  2. To the world: Your harmony is mine. Whatever time you
    choose is the right time. Not late, not early.

To nature: What the turn of your seasons brings me falls
like ripe fruit. All things are born from you, exist in you,
return to you.

The poet says “dear city of Cecrops.. .” Can’t you bring
yourself to say “of Zeus”?

  1. “If you seek tranquillity, do less.” Or (more accurately)
    do what’s essential—what the logos of a social being
    requires, and in the requisite way. Which brings a double
    satisfaction: to do less, better.

Because most of what we say and do is not essential. If
you can eliminate it, you’ll have more time, and more
tranquillity. Ask yourself at every moment, “Is this

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