
(singke) #1

oblivion covers it.

And those are the ones who shone. The rest—“unknown,
unasked-for” a minute after death. What is “eternal” fame?

Then what should we work for?

Only this: proper understanding; unselfish action; truthful
speech. A resolve to accept whatever happens as necessary
and familiar, flowing like water from that same source and

  1. Hand yourself over to Clotho voluntarily, and let her spin
    you into whatever she pleases.

  2. Everything transitory—the knower and the known.

  3. Constant awareness that everything is born from change.
    The knowledge that there is nothing nature loves more than to
    alter what exists and make new things like it. All that exists
    is the seed of what will emerge from it. You think the only
    seeds are the ones that make plants or children? Go deeper.

  4. On the verge of dying and still weighed down, still
    turbulent, still convinced external things can harm you, still
    rude to other people, still not acknowledging the truth: that
    wisdom is justice.

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