
(singke) #1

And if they make no decisions, about anything—and it’s
blasphemous even to think so (because if so, then let’s stop
sacrificing, praying, swearing oaths, and doing all the other
things we do, believing the whole time that the gods are right
here with us)—if they decide nothing about our lives...
well, I can still make decisions. Can still consider what it’s
to my benefit to do. And what benefits anyone is to do what
his own nature requires. And mine is rational. Rational and

My city and state are Rome—as Antoninus. But as a human
being? The world. So for me, “good” can only mean what’s
good for both communities.

  1. Whatever happens to you is for the good of the world.
    That would be enough right there. But if you look closely
    you’ll generally notice something else as well: whatever
    happens to a single person is for the good of others. (Good in
    the ordinary sense—as the world defines it.)

  2. Just as the arena and the other spectacles weary you—
    you’ve seen them all before—and the repetition grates on
    your nerves, so too with life. The same things, the same
    causes, on all sides.

How much longer?

  1. Keep this constantly in mind: that all sorts of people have

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