
(singke) #1

dead. Some of them not remembered at all, some become
legends, some lost even to legend.

So remember: your components will be scattered too, the
life within you quenched. Or marching orders and another

  1. Joy for humans lies in human actions.

Human actions: kindness to others, contempt for the
senses, the interrogation of appearances, observation of
nature and of events in nature.

  1. Three relationships:

i. with the body you inhabit;

ii. with the divine, the cause of everything in all things;

iii. with the people around you.

  1. Either pain affects the body (which is the body’s
    problem) or it affects the soul. But the soul can choose not to
    be affected, preserving its own serenity, its own tranquillity.
    All our decisions, urges, desires, aversions lie within. No

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