
(singke) #1

How? By working to win your freedom. Hour by hour.
Through patience, honesty, humility.

  1. Not to know what the world is is to be ignorant of where
    you are.

Not to know why it’s here is to be ignorant of who you
are. And what it is.

Not to know any of this is to be ignorant of why you’re

And what are we to make of anyone who cares about the
applause of such people, who don’t know where or who they

  1. You want praise from people who kick themselves every
    fifteen minutes, the approval of people who despise
    themselves. (Is it a sign of self-respect to regret nearly
    everything you do?)

  2. To join ourselves not just to the air surrounding us,
    through breath, but to the reason that embraces all things,
    through thought. Reason is just as omnipresent, just as widely
    diffused in those who accept it as air is in those who breathe.

  3. The existence of evil does not harm the world. And an
    individual act of evil does not harm the victim. Only one

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