- Injustice is a kind of blasphemy. Nature designed rational
beings for each other’s sake: to help—not harm—one
another, as they deserve. To transgress its will, then, is to
blaspheme against the oldest of the gods.
And to lie is to blaspheme against it too. Because “nature”
means the nature of that which is. And that which is and that
which is the case are closely linked, so that nature is
synonymous with Truth—the source of all true things. To lie
deliberately is to blaspheme—the liar commits deceit, and
thus injustice. And likewise to lie without realizing it.
Because the involuntary liar disrupts the harmony of nature—
its order. He is in conflict with the way the world is
structured. As anyone is who deviates toward what is
opposed to the truth—even against his will. Nature gave him
the resources to distinguish between true and false. And he
neglected them, and now can’t tell the difference.
And to pursue pleasure as good, and flee from pain as evil
—that too is blasphemous. Someone who does that is bound