
(singke) #1

however much they try to avoid it, there’s no escaping.
Nature is stronger. As you can see if you look closely.

Concrete objects can pull free of the earth more easily than
humans can escape humanity.

  1. Humanity, divinity, and the world: all of them bearing
    fruit. Each fruitful in its season. Normally we limit the word
    to vines and other plants. Unnecessarily. The fruit of the
    logos nourishes both us and it. And other things spring from
    it too—of the same species as the logos itself.

  2. Convince them not to.

If you can.

And if not, remember: the capacity for patience was given
us for a reason. The gods are patient with them too, and even
help them to concrete things: health, money, fame.... Such is
the gods’ goodness.

And yours, too, if you wanted. What’s stopping you?

  1. Work:

Not to rouse pity, not to win sympathy or admiration. Only

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