
(singke) #1

Which means: thought and action resulting in the common

What you were born to do.

  1. You can discard most of the junk that clutters your mind
    —things that exist only there—and clear out space for
    ... by comprehending the scale of the world
    ... by contemplating infinite time
    ... by thinking of the speed with which things change—
    each part of every thing; the narrow space between
    our birth and death; the infinite time before; the
    equally unbounded time that follows.

  2. All that you see will soon have vanished, and those who
    see it vanish will vanish themselves, and the ones who
    reached old age have no advantage over the untimely dead.

  3. What their minds are like. What they work at. What
    evokes their love and admiration.

Imagine their souls stripped bare. And their vanity. To
suppose that their disdain could harm anyone—or their

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