
(singke) #1

Forgotten their behavior, their fears, their desires, their thefts
and depredations—not physical ones, but those committed by
what should be highest in them? What creates, when it
chooses, loyalty, humility, truth, order, well-being.

  1. Nature gives and nature takes away. Anyone with sense
    and humility will tell her, “Give and take as you please,” not
    out of defiance, but out of obedience and goodwill.

  2. Only a short time left. Live as if you were alone—out in
    the wilderness. No difference between here and there: the
    city that you live in is the world.

Let people see someone living naturally, and understand
what that means. Let them kill him if they can’t stand it.
(Better than living like this.)

  1. To stop talking about what the good man is like, and just
    be one.

  2. Continual awareness of all time and space, of the size
    and life span of the things around us. A grape seed in infinite
    space. A half twist of a corkscrew against eternity.

  3. Bear in mind that everything that exists is already fraying
    at the edges, and in transition, subject to fragmentation and to

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