
(singke) #1

  1. The fraction of infinity, of that vast abyss of time, allotted
    to each of us. Absorbed in an instant into eternity.

The fraction of all substance, and all spirit.

The fraction of the whole earth you crawl about on.

Keep all that in mind, and don’t treat anything as important
except doing what your nature demands, and accepting what
Nature sends you.

  1. How the mind conducts itself. It all depends on that. All
    the rest is within its power, or beyond its control—corpses
    and smoke.

  2. An incentive to treat death as unimportant: even people
    whose only morality is pain and pleasure can manage that

  3. If you make ripeness alone your good...

If a few actions more or less, governed by the right logos,
are merely a few more or less...

If it makes no difference whether you look at the world for
this long or that long...

... then death shouldn’t scare you.

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