
(singke) #1
is almost certainly a later fiction. (3.3, 6.47, 8.3; quoted or paraphrased 4.46,
IPPARCHUS: Second-century B.C. Greek astronomer. (6.47)
IPPOCRATES: Greek doctor active in the fifth century B.C.; various medical
writings are transmitted under his name, as is the Hippocratic Oath still
administered to doctors. (3.3)
YMEN: Unknown; the comparison with SATYRON does not help identify him.

ULIAN: This may be a friend of FRONTO’s, Claudius Julianus, a proconsul of
Asia at about this period. (4.50)
EPIDUS: This might perhaps be the Roman aristocrat who briefly shared power
with Marcus Antonius and the future emperor AUGUSTUS, but the context
suggests an older contemporary of Marcus’s. (4.50)
UCILLA: Marcus’s mother (d. 155/161). (1.3, 1.17, 8.25, 9.21)
USIUS LUPUS: Unknown. (12.27)
AECENAS: Adviser and unofficial minister of culture to AUGUSTUS; patron of
the poets Vergil and Horace, among others. (8.31)
ARCIANUS: Unknown philosopher. (1.6)
AXIMUS: Claudius Maximus. Roman consul in the early 140s. Governor of
Upper Pannonia in the early 150s. Later in that decade he governed North
Africa, where he served as judge in the trial of the novelist Apuleius for
sorcery. (1.15, 1.16, 1.17, 8.25)
ENIPPUS: Cynic philosopher (early third century B.C.) from Gadara in Syria.
He features as a character in many of the satirical dialogues of Lucian.

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