
(singke) #1

That I had the kind of brother I did. One whose character
challenged me to improve my own. One whose love and
affection enriched my life.

That my children weren’t born stupid or physically

That I wasn’t more talented in rhetoric or poetry, or other
areas. If I’d felt that I was making better progress I might
never have given them up.

That I conferred on the people who brought me up the
honors they seemed to want early on, instead of putting them
off (since they were still young) with the hope that I’d do it

That I knew Apollonius, and Rusticus, and Maximus.

That I was shown clearly and often what it would be like
to live as nature requires. The gods did all they could—
through their gifts, their help, their inspiration—to ensure that
I could live as nature demands. And if I’ve failed, it’s no
one’s fault but mine. Because I didn’t pay attention to what
they told me—to what they taught me, practically, step by

That my body has held out, especially considering the life
I’ve led.

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